Friday, 18. April 2008

ISA-RC21 Tokyo Conference 2008 Call for Papers

Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality, and Creativity
グローバル・アーバニズムの展望 ――権力・周縁性・創造性のランドスケープ――
December 17-20, 2008, International House of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

ねらい Rationale:
After decades under the influence of globalization, neo-liberalism, and the rapid expansion of informational technology, where do we stand today? This conference will focus on the consequences, both critical and creative, of such dominant and ascendant social trends on urban and regional life and space. First, we will consider hidden frames of global urban landscapes in their social, spatial, political and imaginary forms. What is manifested and what is unseen under vibrant and conflicting urban scene? Diverse questions such as hegemony, inequality, violence, governance, tolerance, and creativity can be asked of any place and space. Second, we want to ask about possible futures of current global urbanism. Now, in globalizing cities over the world, are we experiencing different paths toward more convergent forms of the city, or are we facing with parallel changes into more divergent urban worlds? This question concerns identity, goals, theory, and methodology of urban and regional studies. The meeting will push towards new theoretical agenda for the future studies. Located at dynamic Asian contexts, Tokyo, which has experienced a profound change in the past two decades, will offer a rich body of sights and stories to inform and inspire our conversations.

Reclaiming the Street: Urban Social Movements and New Approaches to
Public Space in Cities in Asia

Heide Jaeger (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)

At a time when privatization and de-regulation are becoming global trends and concerns grow about global geographies suppressing public urban life, we are in
need to reconsider how to approach the increasing disjuncture between global
urbanism and vernacular public space, which we can especially observe in mega
cities in Asia. Accordingly, this session aims to 1) understand how global urban
trends are affecting the everyday urban life and manifestation of local urban
places, as streets and alleys; 2) clarify the process how boundaries between
public and private urban places are re-conceptualized and 3) how the emergence
of new social movements or hybrid subcultures can be understood when studying
the diverse ways people (re-) occupy or (re-) interpret local urban places
throughout cities in Asia. Thus, this session invites papers that explore through
different means and methods cases, which reflect on the changing public urban
life and local places of Asia.

Searching for Common Ground: Intraurban Borderlands from a Global Perspective
Deljana Iossifova (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN) and Tatsuro Sakano (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Borderlands are entities acting towards both the division and the fusion of the different. They exist in every city as a source of friction. They are essential for those present within and along them when it comes to ‘bonding’ and the formation of hybrid (or multiple) identities within the urban context. This session seeks to explore the manifold aspects incorporated within the notion of intraurban borderlands ? be they spatial, social, temporal, or cultural ? including, but not limited to, those between old and new, modern and traditional, rich and poor, planned and organic, formal and informal, permanent and temporary, local and migrant. Helping to position ‘borderlands’ within different geographical settings, their differences and commonalities, papers will be concerned with the ways in which intraurban borderlands emerge, are being established, tolerated, accepted, or eradicated.

Call for Papers
Please send the title and abstract of your paper to session organizer(s) and ISA-RC21 Tokyo Conference Organizing committee (

by May 15, 2008

The abstract of your paper should be limited to 150 words and include your name, affiliation and email address.


View Heide Jaeger's profile on LinkedIn

Thursday, 3. April 2008

Publication "Another Tokyo"

Radovic, Darko (2008) ’Another Tokyo - Nezu and Yanaka - places and practices of urban resistance’, Tokyo, cSUR, University of Tokyo, ichii Studio


inclusive essays of the Workshop Yanesen November 2007

Thursday, 6. March 2008

Call for Papers - ISA-RC21 Tokyo Conference 2008

Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality, and Creativity


When: December 17-20, 2008

Where: International House of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

スケジュール Schedules:
12月17日(水) Wednesday, Dec 17: Registration and evening plenary session
12月18日(木) Thursday, Dec 18: Morning plenary session and afternoon sessions
12月19日(金) Friday, Dec 19: Morning and afternoon sessions, closing session
12月20日(土) Saturday, Dec 20: Urban tours in the morning

Organized by: Takashi Machimura(Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University)

主催 Hosted by: ISA-RC21 Tokyo Conference Organizing Committee and International Sociological Association Research Committee on Urban & Regional Development (ISA-RC21)

後援 Supported by: 地域社会学会Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies, 日本都市社会学会Japan Association for Urban Sociology, and 日本学術振興会(国際研究集会助成)Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

ねらい Rationale:
After decades under the influence of globalization, neo-liberalism, and the rapid expansion of informational technology, where do we stand today? This conference will focus on the consequences, both critical and creative, of such dominant and ascendant social trends on urban and regional life and space. First, we will consider hidden frames of global urban landscapes in their social, spatial, political and imaginary forms. What is manifested and what is unseen under vibrant and conflicting urban scene? Diverse questions such as hegemony, inequality, violence, governance, tolerance, and creativity can be asked of any place and space. Second, we want to ask about possible futures of current global urbanism. Now, in globalizing cities over the world, are we experiencing different paths toward more convergent forms of the city, or are we facing with parallel changes into more divergent urban worlds? This question concerns identity, goals, theory, and methodology of urban and regional studies. The meeting will push towards new theoretical agenda for the future studies. Located at dynamic Asian contexts, Tokyo, which has experienced a profound change in the past two decades, will offer a rich body of sights and stories to inform and inspire our conversations.

12th EAJS nternational Conference Italy, 20-23rd September 2008

The 12th International Conference of EAJS will be held at Salento university in Lecce/Italy in 2008, September 20-23. Prior to the conference, the Fifth EAJS PhD Workshop will be held at the same location.

All details of the registration procedure, conference fees, venue and accommodation can be found on the conference website at in English and in Japanese. Here you'll also find a short introduction to the Salento region and facts about Salento university.

The eight sections into which the conference is divided and the names of all convenors are listed at

Writing Process PhD Dissertation 2007/2008

Tuesday, 28. August 2007

Workshop Yanesen, 11th November 2007

I"n the centre and on the margin: situating the local community between Low and High-rise, The case of Yanaka, Nezu and Sendagi, Tokyo"

Interdisciplinary Workshop, Tokyo, Japan

updated program 9th September 2007

Symposium Eco Urbanity - towards the wellmannered built environment

07.-08.09.2007 cSUR Centre for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, University of Tokyo
The eco-urbanity symposium is conceived as a brainstorming workshop.

The Symposium brings together a group of experts, leading academics and practitioners from Australia, China, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom, who are active in various disciplines that deal with production of space. Our task is to cross common disciplinary and cultural boundaries, to think together, in order to develop a better understanding of what constitutes sustainable practice today, the practice capable to embrace both environmental responsibility and cultural responsiveness, the practice that would be locally accountable and, thus, globally relevant.


8th Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA) conference
to be held in Georgetown (Penang) Malaysia, 19-22 November, 2007.

Rapid globalization, coupled with economic liberalization and financial deregulation, has opened-up the economics of the Asia Pacific region. Increasing wealth generation is heralded as a sign of great personal and notional success, while large numbers of people remain marginalised in poor paying a insecure jobs. Youth are under extreme pressures in terms of successful education and gaining secure employment. The media glorifies the consumer revolution, and we see increasing use of new technologies which are changing forever the very fabric of work, family life, health and culture in the countries of the Asia Pacific. The region is seemingly now more integrated, with unprecedented levels of tourism, migration, and economic and cultural linkages. But, are the nations of the region, and their populations, becoming more divided, united or are they fundamentally unchanged over the past two decades? This conference aims to explore the various dimensions of the rapid social transformation of the Asia Pacific. Papers that empirically or theoretically address the themes of social transformation, in its diverse forms, are particularly welcome.
Please also check the APSA website at:

The conference is co-sponsored by the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and the Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies (CAPSTRANS), University of Wollongong, Australia.

Conference Paper, Title
"In the centre and on the margin: tracing public space and urban life in between Low and High-rise in contemporary Tokyo, Japan"

The Eleventh Asian Studies Conference Japan was held on June 23-24, 2007, at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo.

The Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)
ASCJ emphasizes interdisciplinary scholarly exchange on Asia in English-language format to broaden communication among researchers of diverse disciplines and backgrounds who are based in Japan. The conference also welcomes scholars from other countries. ASCJ conducts a yearly conference. Everyone world-wide interested in Asian studies is invited to participate. The inaugural meeting of ASCJ was held in October 1997. ASCJ is an affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies, AAS

East Asian Urban Transition - Manifold Scales of Contemporary Spatial and Cultural Transformation
Organizer/ Chair: Heide Jaeger, Manchester Metropolitan University
In recent years, different scholars addressed the changing urban space of the Asian city. While these cities are neither comparable nor identical, they share common problems, e.g. the displacement of local culture by modern life style. How does one read the contemporary Asian city on the edge between local past and global growth? The panel seeks to take a bottom-up perspective identifying common pathways which follow an approach beyond the discussion about nostalgia and modernity. The papers seek to affirm an urban identity that is threatened by marginalization of urban space, aiming to strengthen local life which is deeply seated in the citys interplay of past and present.
Four papers are presented, reflecting at different scales on case studies in Shanghai, Tokyo and Daegu, South-Korea. Demmler outlines problems of large scale planning approaches in the case of Shanghai Province, drawing at the inability to adequately address spatial qualities from an everyday life perspective. Iossifova describes the process of socio-economic and spatial transition with focus on the -joint line- between two opposing neighbourhoods. Analogous, Jaeger uses the case of Tsukudajima, Tokyo to reflect on the challenge faced by the local community to situate itself between low and high rise. Finally, based on small case studies Menzel/ Weiner explore how in the daily life style and environment of Daegu, Korean traditions and cultural roots are kept or cut. Taking multidisciplinary perspectives, the papers complete each other in questioning how global processes reshape the urban space in the Asian city.

1) Rolf Demmler, Independent scholar
Urbanization of the Lower Yangtze Delta – Human Scale Planning Approaches for a Regional Identity
Until 2020, the Lower Yangtze Region will see an intense spatial transformation. In order to strategically deal with an estimated rise in population of 3-4 million people in Shanghai Province, a massive development of autonomous urban satellite cities is envisaged. By absorbing this influx in Shanghais metropolitan hinterland rather than the city itself, further urban sprawl and further increase in Shanghai's already high density are thought to be prevented. The region will sustain agricultural production and a substantial rural community while making space for intense urbanization and industrial development. Shanghai inevitably remains the economical international and local centre.
The paper argues that the new hinterlands quality and its cities autonomy will greatly depend on the ability to define regional identity in opposition to the mega city, which necessitates a rigorous account of the hinterland's current and potential future assets. In a detailed outline of the official regional plan, the paper looks at inherent key problems of large scale planning approaches, especially the inability to adequately address spatial qualities from an everyday life perspective.
In order to fill this gap the paper suggests a bottom-up strategy to assist a sustainable regional identity by integrating an intimate scale into the big picture. Firstly, it explores how a phenomenological reading of spatial characteristics and a topological, more flexible notion of spatial and functional context can provide a detailed representation of the regions potential assets from a human scale perspective. Secondly, it identifies methodological approaches to integrate these findings into regional scale planning practice.

2) Deljana Iossifova, Tokyo Institute of Technology
The New Middle Class and the Old Poor: Spatial Manifestation in Shanghai
Economic progress in China within the past twenty years has introduced a hitherto unknown urbanization push – which has unfortunately proven to engage high environmental costs and numerous other unwanted consequences. The increasing gap between the well-off and the poor is just one of them. While housing reforms mostly aim to support a (questionable) middle class, those at the lower end of the social ladder are often left behind to deal by themselves with the issues at hand. This paper focuses on the spatial manifestation of this emerging gap, by examining two contrasting realities within the rising Chinese city. Two neighbouring Shanghainese communities of very different conditions – one grown and poor, the other just recently developed and relatively well-off – will be compared. Their respective spatial layout and the predominant everyday life patterns of their inhabitants (or users) will be evaluated in order to determine differences and similarities, if any. Thought will be given to the linear space between them, raising the question of whether it appears more as a permeable joint line or rather an impervious border.

3) Heide Jaeger, Manchester Metropolitan University
Between the Lines: Situating the Local Community between Low and High Rise – The Case of Tsukudajima, Tokyo
Tokyos positioning as global city has caused many discussions but seldom it was directly focused on to the processes which affect the life at the bottom edge. Saskia Sassens terms of centrality/ accumulation are predominant in areas of Tokyos new developments as Roppongi or Shiodome. But only a stone throw away we find local neighborhoods, opposed to the sprouting of skyscrapers. In Japan, small scale developments have historically produced a high degree of urban heterogeneity being maintained by the invisible, cultural coding of each ward. But since the 1980s, the government favoured larger developments, causing economically driven urban layers on top of the existing urban fabric. Taking the case of Tsukudajima, the paper draws firstly on the perspective of a local community, asking how here recent redevelopment has changed the local lifestyle.
But in between the High Rise we still find remaining alleys, crammed with small scale housing and tiny eateries. Many Tokyoites say that this kind of neighbourhood keeps the spirit of old Tokyo alive and offer reasons to walk around Tokyo searching for such lost spaces. However, the paper will secondly reflect on the question how the local residents can maintain their living inside the growing sea of skyscrapers? Is this a lost war, or to which degree can marginalized structures coexist or be integrated? Following Waleys -Moving the Margin of Tokyo- (2002) the paper will therefore finally outline to which extend the local space is still a part of daily life or only existing in the urban memory.

4) Hendrik Weiner, Leibnitz University Hannover
Todays Korean lifestyles: Cultural Roots and Western Influences – Examples in Design and Architecture
Todays Korean lifestyle is determined by strong stereotypical western images according to modern (family) life, pleasure, success and wealth. This affirmatively evaluated image guides the appearance of Korean society in the present and also to the future, getting obvious in political goals, advertising strategies, urban planning and solutions of the different design disciplines. Daily dreams of people follow these aims as well. The possession of new and expensive goods, global brands and a particular adaptation of western lifestyle symbolize the forward-looking and modern Korean citizen. Examining these symbols and expressions of todays lifestyle in Korea, there can be discovered an interesting mixture of western standards and eastern needs, interpretations and kinds of use.
What does this mix tell about the western influences on Asians daily lives and their cultural self-conception? How do western influences affect social approaches in East Asia? How do Korean traditions and cultural roots get kept or cut? Small case studies and examples in design and architecture of this cultural mixture will be presented. Focus is public and private environments in the city of Daegu, South Korea and representatively used products of every day life. We will review and converge to the question about how and if an authentic Korean approach in design and architecture could or might need to be created.
The paper is co-produced by Carmen Menzel, Keimyung University, Daegu and Hendrik Weiner, Leibnitz University Hannover.

Discussant: Prof. Geeta Mehta, Temple University, Tokyo

Friday, 16. February 2007

Fieldwork Blog

Thursday, 11. January 2007

PhD Fieldwork 2007

Fieldwork Phase 1
February - April 2007 Tokyo

Fieldwork Phase 2
May- July 2007 Tokyo

Final work and Start of writing up
Tokyo and Manchester, UK

Applications for Conferences 2007

May 2007, Application Abstract, 4th PhD Workshop EAJS (European Association for Japanese Studies), Oxford University, UK topic: Japanese Studies

June 2007 Paper Presentation, 11th ASCJ (Asian Studies Conference Japan) 2007, Tokyo, Japan topic: Asian and Japanese Studies
Panel: ’East Asian Urban Transition – manifold scales of contemporary spatial and cultural transformation’

July 2007 Application Abstract, 8th Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities, Doctoral Student Conference, Tokyo, Japan, topic: Research in the Pacific Realm

August 2007 Application Abstract, 9th Asian Urbanization Conference, Korea,
topic: Asian Urbanization

Saturday, 30. December 2006

Happy new Year!


Thursday, 23. November 2006

ASCJ Proposal Panel 2007

deadline 25th November 2006
decision around 15th December 2006
final submission Abstract 31st January 2007

conference 23/24th June 2007

We applied with four papers and if we have luck we can prepare some interesting papers about Shanghai, Tokyo and Daegu, South Korea

So hopefully hear and see you again, for some collaboration!

Saturday, 18. November 2006

Preparing Transfer and Fieldwork 2007

Back from Conference in Tokyo

mAAN Conference in Tokyo
1st-5th November

Presentation of Paper 3rd November,
meeting with different professors and researchers
and new considerations about fieldwork and cases

Saturday, 2. September 2006

Back in England! Writing, Writing and Writing

Paper mAAN Conference Tokyo November 2006
The case of the Japanese alleyway roji

Paper SAHJ Conference Kyoto December 2006
Situated Urban Rituals - Rethinking the meaning and practice of ‘micro culture’ on the example of the Japanese urban backstreet

Paper for Simon Guy, University of Manchester
SENSES ON THE MOVE: A multi-sensory experience of street vendors
in the Japanese urban pathway

First year/ Transfer Paper MPhil/ PhD
10.000-15.000 words

Publication Roji Research August 2006


link to DAAD Tokyo, report about Research stay

Friday, 21. April 2006

Research stay Kyoto 13rdjune-23rd august

new webblog "Roji Research"

Friday, 3. March 2006

JAPAN 3th-28th March

Lecture Japan Centre 1st of march

Tuesday, 7. February 2006

Teaching week - Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies

Day 5 Presentation Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
Final and last day today, and the students were asked to present their work to the others. Slowly they arrive in the morning and I really have to ask them to paste their work on the wall. The presentations were interesting, some results are poor but I still hope the students enjoyed the work they did and what they learnt from it. Finally, there was one very good group (only 4 groups presented) which made posters, presentations boards and a nice film, and that in only 3 days. And this made me really happy, as I was thinking maybe I asked too much for this short week. But no, I see that it can be possible and their results were clear and very good articulated, and obviously they enjoyed what they did ...

In the evening all staff met up for dinner and we had booked a table for 20 people but finally we are more than 27 and all talked about their results and happenings. The range of people is very interesting: textile, photographers, film makers, artists, and of course architects ...and we all think this event week was such a success (Thanks to Eileen!), so we would be happy to do it again ...

Thursday, 9. February 2006
Day 3/ 4 Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
People can come along to discuss their work and I hope that they find it not so difficult to get started, as the time is flying and they only have one day left. I am there to discuss things with them, help them in making a decision or even to assist with some work etc. Teaching, especially tutorials can be very tiring and so I try keep up with what they asked me ...everybody is asking for your whole attention and so I learn much from this days, not only lecturing but also giving the right answers, encouraging to go on or to participate...yes, I can vividly remember my days at university which is not so long ago :)...but now I am in the other position and I feel that I have to learn a lot, but it is ...learning by doing, literally!

At 5pm the staff and teachers of all the workshops meet for some drinks and it is an enjoyable atmosphere to have so many different people around. Some people I met before, others not and so it is a chance to make new contacts and to exchange basic ideas about our work. After some hours talking, drinking and laughing we get hungry and decide to go to the Chinese restaurant Tai Wu around the corner. We spend a long evening out, encouraging us for the last two days and that we all hopefully can be happy with the results. Yes, it is an intense but also exciting week, we can feel that people want to work and do something, it is a ambitious sphere around and we already talk about new and coming events ...

Tuesday, 7. February 2006
Day 2 Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
After the introduction yeasterday, people might thought it is worthwile to come or not. However, in total I imagine that 12 people (20 signed up) will do the workshop for the rest of the week. And to help them with their tasks I gave today lecture 2 and 3, which explained in more details what is the workshop about. I hope this will help them to get an idea about the way they can do their work and hopefully they will do it in teams. Some people were not very interested and I asked myself why they signed up, if they don't like it or at least it is not the subject which bowls them over lets see what they will do and how they can handle all the things...I don't take it personal as it is their choice and their first event week at the Manchester School of Architecture...lets see and I am curious about the results :)

Monday, 6. February 2006
Day 1 Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
This week I will teach at the BA Event week of the Manchester School of Architecture,MMU and I am curious to know how people deal with the topic wish me good luck and later more ....


Monday, 6th february: Introduction/ Lecture 1
Tuesday, 7th february: Lecture 2/ Lecture 3
Wednesday, 8th February: Interim Discussion
Thursday, 9th february: Interim Discussion
Friday, 10th february:Presentation

Thursday, 2. February 2006

Planning a trip to Japan 3th-28th March

We have already the End of January and in only some weeks I will visit Japan again. This time it will be for 4 weeks and I really looking forward to come again, visit Tokyo and other places, meet beloved friends and to have hopefully an enjoyable and fruitful time.

But the most time I will use for some fieldwork, chosing the case studies for my research, finding some good libraries with material for my literature review (hopefully in English and Japanese) and to meet different academic staff. Now I have something like 7 meetings and I am really nervous about this. I never meet them before and so it is a new experience, because some of them wrote famous books and are very active in that field.

But sometimes it feels like jumping into cold water and see how to swim...and to be honest, sometimes think this about my whole research, how much passion I must have to do all this in Japan...yes, I dont know, but it really catched me and the most time I am really satisfied and hopefully able to do it some weeks to go and a lot to prepare, I will do my best ...

currently reading


Heide Imai, Postdoctoral Researcher, Hosei University, Tokyo

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ISA-RC21 Tokyo Conference...
Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality,...
Heide Jäger - 18. Apr, 01:44

Heide Jäger - 18. Apr, 01:43
Call for Papers - ISA-RC21...
Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality,...
Heide Jäger - 17. Apr, 00:46
Publication "Another...
Radovic, Darko (2008) ’Another Tokyo - Nezu and Yanaka...
Heide Jäger - 17. Apr, 00:36
12th EAJS nternational...
The 12th International Conference of EAJS will be held...
Heide Jäger - 6. Mar, 09:07

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