Teaching week - Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies

Day 5 Presentation Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
Final and last day today, and the students were asked to present their work to the others. Slowly they arrive in the morning and I really have to ask them to paste their work on the wall. The presentations were interesting, some results are poor but I still hope the students enjoyed the work they did and what they learnt from it. Finally, there was one very good group (only 4 groups presented) which made posters, presentations boards and a nice film, and that in only 3 days. And this made me really happy, as I was thinking maybe I asked too much for this short week. But no, I see that it can be possible and their results were clear and very good articulated, and obviously they enjoyed what they did ...

In the evening all staff met up for dinner and we had booked a table for 20 people but finally we are more than 27 and all talked about their results and happenings. The range of people is very interesting: textile, photographers, film makers, artists, and of course architects ...and we all think this event week was such a success (Thanks to Eileen!), so we would be happy to do it again ...

Thursday, 9. February 2006
Day 3/ 4 Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
People can come along to discuss their work and I hope that they find it not so difficult to get started, as the time is flying and they only have one day left. I am there to discuss things with them, help them in making a decision or even to assist with some work etc. Teaching, especially tutorials can be very tiring and so I try keep up with what they asked me ...everybody is asking for your whole attention and so I learn much from this days, not only lecturing but also giving the right answers, encouraging to go on or to participate...yes, I can vividly remember my days at university which is not so long ago :)...but now I am in the other position and I feel that I have to learn a lot, but it is ...learning by doing, literally!

At 5pm the staff and teachers of all the workshops meet for some drinks and it is an enjoyable atmosphere to have so many different people around. Some people I met before, others not and so it is a chance to make new contacts and to exchange basic ideas about our work. After some hours talking, drinking and laughing we get hungry and decide to go to the Chinese restaurant Tai Wu around the corner. We spend a long evening out, encouraging us for the last two days and that we all hopefully can be happy with the results. Yes, it is an intense but also exciting week, we can feel that people want to work and do something, it is a ambitious sphere around and we already talk about new and coming events ...

Tuesday, 7. February 2006
Day 2 Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
After the introduction yeasterday, people might thought it is worthwile to come or not. However, in total I imagine that 12 people (20 signed up) will do the workshop for the rest of the week. And to help them with their tasks I gave today lecture 2 and 3, which explained in more details what is the workshop about. I hope this will help them to get an idea about the way they can do their work and hopefully they will do it in teams. Some people were not very interested and I asked myself why they signed up, if they don't like it or at least it is not the subject which bowls them over ...so lets see what they will do and how they can handle all the things...I don't take it personal as it is their choice and their first event week at the Manchester School of Architecture...lets see and I am curious about the results :)

Monday, 6. February 2006
Day 1 Workshop: Urban Cultures: Cities and Bodies
This week I will teach at the BA Event week of the Manchester School of Architecture,MMU and I am curious to know how people deal with the topic ...so wish me good luck and later more ....


Monday, 6th february: Introduction/ Lecture 1
Tuesday, 7th february: Lecture 2/ Lecture 3
Wednesday, 8th February: Interim Discussion
Thursday, 9th february: Interim Discussion
Friday, 10th february:Presentation

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Heide Imai, Postdoctoral Researcher, Hosei University, Tokyo heide.imai@gmx.net

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February 2006

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