Thursday, 26. January 2006


AHRA Annual Research Student Symposium
Thu, Apr 6, 2006 to
Fri, Apr 7, 2006
Location(s): University of Edinburgh

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: Proposals due in by Friday 6 January 2006
The Architectural Humanities Research Association invites proposals from graduate students for contributions to its 3rd Annual Student Research Symposium, which will be held from 6th - 7th April 2006, at the School of Arts, Culture and Environment, University of Edinburgh.

Proposals concerning research in any area of the architectural humanities will be eligible for consideration (architectural history, theory, culture, design, urbanism, etc.)

In addition, this year we will particularly welcome contributions that deal with aspects of architectural pedagogy (including the teaching of - and the inter-relationships between - design, history and theory; approaches to research training and supervision; historical and contemporary pedagogic environments and practices; the relationship between the academy and the profession; architecture within the disciplinary configuration of the university; alternative pedagogies; etc). Our intention is that these will be organised as a separate strand within the main symposium.

Papers will be 20 minutes long.

The symposium will also include a number of round-table sessions, allowing research students to give short, 10 minute, presentations related to interpretative, methodological or other issues arising from work with which they are currently engaged. It is anticipated that each of these sessions will consist of 3-4 presentations followed by an extensive discussion.

Proposals for papers should be 500 words maximum: those for presentations in round-table sessions 250 words maximum. Proposals should be sent by email by Friday 6 January 2006 to (please label the subject field: AHRA06). Indicate clearly in the main text of the email whether the submission concerns a paper or a round-table presentation. Responses to prospective contributors will be sent by 31 January 2006.

Submissions will be reviewed by the organising committee and selected for inclusion in the symposium on that basis. The organising committee is comprised of Dr Ella Chmielewska (Cultural Studies, University of Edinburgh), Dr Mark Dorrian (AHRA and University of Edinburgh), Richard Patterson (AHRA and University of Brighton), Professor Jeremy Till (AHRA and University of Sheffield), Dr Igea Troiani (Oxford Brookes University), and a panel of graduate students from the University of Edinburgh.

Selected material from the conference will be published in a special issue of Edinburgh Architectural Research. We anticipate making all material presented at the conference available as a digital archive.

There will be no charge to attend the symposium. Accommodation in Edinburgh can be booked via Email:

AHRA promotes, supports, develops and disseminates research in all areas of architectural humanities. Further information can be found Contact:

"Rethinking Space and Place in Asia" Dissertation Workshop

"Rethinking Space and Place in Asia" Dissertation Workshop, April 9-12, 2006 San Francisco (Association for Asian Studies)

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Dissertation Workshop looks to convene graduate students working on doctoral dissertations that deal with the nature and implcations of transformations and reconceptualizations of space and place in Asia. We are seeking students concerned with historical and/or contemporary periods, and dealing with social, political and economic materials, and/or the arts and popular culture. Our hope is that comparisons across periods, regions, and types of material will both illuminate the strengths and uniqueness of particular projects and approaches, and also help construct broader understandings of these processes and their implications.

The workshop will be limited to 12 students, ideally from a broad array of disciplines and working on a wide variety of materials in a variety of time periods, and in various regions of Asia. It also will include a small multidisciplinary and multi-area faculty with similar concerns. The workshop is designed to enable students just beginning to work on these issues, or else well into them, to encourage greater cross-regional exchange and will also explore possibilities for continuing contact among interested students and faculty.

The workshop will be held in the days immediately following the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies in San Francisco. It will beging the evening of Sunday, April 9, and run through the afternoon of Wednesay, April 12, 2006.

The AAS is able to provide limited financial support for participants including three night's accommodations, meals and "need-based" travel funds up to a maximum of $300. Students needing additional funds to attend the workshop are encouraged to approach their home institutions for support. (It is hoped that participants also will attend the AAS annual meeting immediately prior to the workshop.)

Applicants need not have advanced to candidacy but must have at least drafted a dissertation research proposal. Applications are also welcome from doctoral students in the early phases of writing their dissertations. Applications consist of two items only:

1) Two copies of a current Curriculum Vitae, and
2) Two copies of the dissertation proposal, or if the research and writing is well under way, a statement of the specific issues being addressed, the intellectual appriach, and the materials being studied. Neither the proposal nor statement should exceed 10 double-spaced pages in length. Application materials (hard copy only, no email) must reach the Dissertation Workshop Program, AAS, 1021 East Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI, 48104, NO LATER THAN December 1, 2005

Workshop participants will be selected on the basis of the submitted projects, the potential for useful exchanges among them, and a concern to include a wide range of disciplinary perspectives, intellectual traditions and regions of Asia. Applicants will be informed whether or not they have been selected for the workshop by mid-December.

For further information about the workshop, or eligibility, please contact Michael Paschal ( or David Szanton (
Sponsor Association for Asian Studies
Date January 9, 2006
Location San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
United States
For more information on this event contact:
Michael Paschal
(734) 665-2490



IAPS 19 – Bibliotheca Alexandrina

As usual, a Young Researchers' Workshop will be held prior to the conference in Alexandria, on September 11 all day and in the morning of September 12, 2006. Senior participants of the conference should encourage their PhD student(s) to participate and submit a proposal, if they have not already done so.

This workshop is intended to give doctoral students of all disciplines the opportunity to discuss their dissertation proposal or their on-going work with leading researchers and professors in research areas related to their thesis, and to build an international network with other doctoral students involved in environmental studies. Research work from Masters' students will be considered only if near completion.

Each session is tutored by two mentors. Students have a total of 45 minutes to present and discuss with the two mentors and other PhD candidates.

The Workshop language is English.

The workshop is free for students who register for the entire conference. Two lunches and coffee breaks will be provided free of charge.

This year, the best paper presented for the workshop will win a 5 years free IAPS membership; the best one will have the possibility to be published in the post-conference book as a short communication paper.

Students interested in participating can submit a one 800 words summary of their 'in-progress' work at with "Young Researchers' Workshop" as the type of submission. The deadline for the young researchers workshops has been extended to January 31, 2006.

Abstracts should include the following items:

Student identification

Department and university
Email address
Ph.D. program

Thesis information

Explicit title for presentation
Research problem
Cultural/urban/architectural context in which study is conducted
Theoretical framework/relevant literature
Research questions, objectives and/or hypotheses
Research strategy/methodology developed for tackling research
State of development of thesis: research proposal (theoretical framework, literature review, hypothesis), data collection
Conclusion (if available)
Avenues for research findings applications (if relevant)

The United Nations has set eight developmental goals for the new millennium, four of which address health related and environ mental targets.

This conference aims at research in the realm of People, Environment, Health and Subtainable Development

Themes and sub –themes cover the following:

1. Environment & Sustainable Development

Sustainable Planning and Design: Initiatives and Actual Practices.
Productivity and the Indoor Environmental Quality.
Pollution Management.
Urban Sprawl, Smart Growth, and Digital Cities.
Sustainable Urban Conservation and Small City Revitalization
2. Health & Sustainable Development

Land Use and Urban Planning for Health Promotion.
Health and Well-being in Residential Environments (formal/informal).
Agriculture, Nutrition and Health.
World Health Organization Healthy Cities Project.
Impact of Human Behavior on the Environment & Health.
3. Socio-Cultural Issues & Sustainable Development

Architectural Education for Sustainable Development.
Social and Cultural Dimensions of Health and Well-being.
Women's Health and Gender Issues.
Requirements of Groups with Specific Needs..
Desert Communities, Tradition, and Eco-tourism.
Gated Communities: Impact and Challenges.

Crossroads 2006 Association for Cultural Studies Conference at İstanbul Bilgi University

20-23 July 2006

Conference Announcement and First Call for Papers for
Crossroads 2006 in Istanbul

We are pleased to announce that the Sixth International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, the official meeting of
The Association for Cultural Studies, will be held in Istanbul, sponsored by Istanbul Bilgi University, 20-23 July 2006.

For millennia Istanbul has been a natural crossroads at which radically different types of cultural experience have found a space to coexist and interact. Correspondingly, rather than having a specific theme, Crossroads 2006 will aspire to construct
an intellectual space for the international cultural studies community to meet, to give voice to different cultural orientations and researches, and to motivate each other for further reflection.

We encourage scholars from all countries and disciplines to contribute to the shaping of the conference program with individual session proposals extending over a wide range of topics and addressing not only issues that concern the practice
of cultural studies, but also the current conditions, local, regional and global, of both aggression and domination, and cooperation and resistance. We also encourage individual paper submissions on any topic within the broad purview of cultural

Detailed information concerning participation, conference structure, travel and accommodations will be available from August 1, 2005 on the official website of the conference: and on the website of The Association for Cultural Studies: We will also be announcing a broad representative line-up of keynote speakers and invite suggestions.

Meetings: January

1.Prof. Paul Waley
2. Prof. Simon Guy
3. Supervisors: Prof. David Dernie, Prof. Greg Keeffe, Prof. Jim Aulich

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Heide Imai, Postdoctoral Researcher, Hosei University, Tokyo

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January 2006

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